Friday, April 20, 2012

Owen and his family.

So this small mans name is Owen, his older brothers name is Ethan. You're already picturing two super cute kids and a hot mom, aren't you? Good guess. The whole family rocks, sweet, gentle, laid back parents, an 8 year old boy that I should have paid because he was so well behaved, adorable Owen, and doggy Josie who pretty much posed for pictures with no bones in sight. Dream family, right?

Anyway, Owen is an all around ladies man.. at the ripe age of 9 months. He has blonde hair, big blue eyes, and an adorable wardrobe. Not to mention he's a big time flirt, and a super tough guy despite a couple bumps and bruises ;) I spent last Saturday morning falling for Owen's good looks and hanging with his family. We went to the park, we hung out at his house... all in all, Id say it was a perfect first date. Meet my new boy friend, Owen.

'Did you really just give me a rock to keep me from crying? I mean, okay.'

Monkey... Owen's main squeeze
No, really.
Ethan is the coolest 8 year old, ever.

... i know, right?!

Josie is part human. Its normal.

smahhty pants already

thank you, thank you, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank YOU so much for a fantastic time and great pictures!
