Sunday, January 29, 2012

A. Train.

I have an older brother, Jonathan, and an older sister, Krissy. Most people aren't aware, but in middle school, I had a second older sister and her name was Jamie. Some thought that she actually lived with us... and Im not sure whether she did or not. cares. what I do know is that Jamie is a forever sister figure for me... and I dont even care where it started. Thank-G that facebook didn't exist back when Kris and Jaim had their Ayer prom dates, because I'd totally show a hurrendous picture if I could possibly upload one.

I refer to Jamie as Slone. why? you ask... because she's Chelsea Handler's older sister... i mean, duh.

anyway... in April of 2011, Slone and her mans, Mark, had an absolutely amazing wedding down in Punta Cana, with the rest of our incestual high school. I think it was the biggest event to hit GD, and here's just a few of my favorite pics. Taken by the ever famous, photo phil.

 awkward family photo 2011

Isn't it almost unbelievable that after one of the most amazing wedding receptions you have ever been to... that someone ends up pregnant? Welp... lucky for us, the luckies were Jaim and Mark. The smallest soucy came home from Punta Cana, and 9 months later has a very very small and cute face. It took 2.5 weeks for me to meet her, but when I did... I made the most of it. Here's to one of the luckiest small little girls I know. Meet my lil nieceish.... Ayla:

 Ayla; definition: perfect

 are you giggling?

 16 days... sitting up, cares about a pillow prop

 Who are those creepah's?

I can't wait until A is a little older so I can use her again as a little model. Thank God that your friends make cute kids right?! It makes the whole 'learning to take pictures' supah easy. wouldn't it be mad awks if they were... noooottt so cute? thank goodness. Im a lucky auntieish. Until next time, keep growing A, and smiling, and giggling, and being re-god-damn-diculously cute. xoxoxoxo.

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